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Come And Worship With Us!

We're Saving You A Seat


At God's Way Baptist Church, our focus is on winning our community to Christ and helping our members grow their relationship with God. We hope that you will come and experience God's love for yourself and join us at one of our services.

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Christianity isn't something anyone is born into.  It is something one must believe into.  One becomes a Christian by believing that Jesus Christ is the Creator, Saviour and Sustainer of all.  As Creator, He spoke the worlds into existence.  As Savior He humbled Himself and became the Son of Man Who willingly gave His life as the only suitable payment for our sin, and as Sustainer He holds all of creation together.  John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16,17; Acts 4:12


Becoming strong in the Lord is a result of "growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." - II Peter 3:18.  It comes by regularly meeting together with your church family, consistently studying the Bible, praying, and putting into practice all you have learned from God's Word.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16

Picture of our Pastor

I'd love the opportunity to meet you.      

  - Pastor John Milton


Wednesday Night Bible Study
Join us at 6:00pm for a practical Bible study. The studies are geared to not only challenge but also designed to give "hands on" examples through interaction and discussion.

Let's Connect

Visiting a church can be intimidating. But when it comes to

God's Way Baptist Church, you can relax… Expect to Belong!
We’re like you-working hard, fighting for healthy relationships, looking for encouragement, and glad to have some good friends who also have faith in Jesus Christ.

1100 Elba Highway

Troy, AL 36079

(334) 566-3607


Thanks for submitting!

Weekly Services: SUNDAY 10:00am; 11:00am; 6:00pm 

                          WEDNESDAY 6:00pm

Contact Us: (334) 566-3607 |

Find Us: 1100 Elba Highway | Troy, AL 36079

© 2016 God's Way Baptist Church

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